YouTube adds in-app messaging to its mobile apps.

YouTube is going to get more social and very soon.

TechCrunch reports that Google is planning on adding messaging functionality to its YouTube app that will enable you to share links, clips and texts without leaving the app.

But hold on a minute. the feature is only available to Canadian users as product manager at Google, Shimrit Ben Yair, told the Canadian financial post. He said it's because Canada is full of more users that share videos than any other country.

The messaging feature is pretty basic and looks a lot like Allo.

Google also played with the idea of giving some channels ability to chat with their subscribers some few months ago.

It's unclear whether Google plans on releasing this feature to the everyone but it's a strong indication that Google wants to turn YouTube into more of a social network.

If you want to check out the messaging function, just ask one if your Canadian friends to add you to a chat (That's if you have Canadian friends).

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