Ubisoft reveals its new logo

Ubisoft just revealed a new logo which will replace the iconic blue swirl that's been around since 2003.

Ubisoft calls the design “minimalist, modern and monochromatic.”
It’s a window into our worlds, giving a preview of what’s to come by highlighting the artistry that goes into creating them. The swirl and the letter O are both deliberately created to be reminiscent of hand-drawn shapes and represent our human qualities of enthusiasm, curiosity and the grain de folie that Ubisoft is known for. (grain de folie is French for "touch of madness)
The new logo isn't a drastic change, the classic swirl still remains, instead, they've ditched the royal blue color for a basic thick black or white lines.

The new logo is the 4th one in its history, back then the logo had a more 80's-like pink color and the company was called Ubi Soft, not Ubisoft.

click to magnify

A user on Twitter asked how the new logo would be animated and Ubisoft assured them that "We’ll still have plenty of customized animations,”.

Expect to see this new logo plastered everywhere at Ubisofts' E3 booths next week and on its upcoming games like Far Cry 5, The Crew 2, and the new Assassin's Creed.

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